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Love It or Hate It; Liver and Onions

Liver and onions is a dish you either beloved information technology or y'all hate it. Every bit for me and my family we love it! Except for my husband.

The only fourth dimension I make liver and onions is when my hubby has a coming together and is non home or either he is out of town. Then information technology's political party time! Time to invite the liver lovers in my family and have a feast!

I volition have to say before I ever made liver for my husband he told me he did not like liver and onions. I did get him to endeavour a gustation of my liver recipe. Although he was skeptical he tried it and said information technology was "ok". OK?! As far equally I am concerned HIS VOTE DOES NOT COUNT!

The Best Liver and Onions Recipe

Fantabulous recipe for savory liver and onions. Served with mashed potatoes and smothered in gravy. Ingredients: butter, onions, beef liver, and seasoning.

If I may say so this IS the all-time liver and onion recipe you will see. The meat is fork tender and savory with the onions and gravy atop a bed of potatoes. And for the vegetable, I serve spinach. This is totally an adult meal!

Screech!!! Agree up! I want to share a little something about myself.

As a young child, I was probably about 10 or 12 years onetime, I would beg my female parent to make liver and onions for dinner! Astonishing huh? And so, I guess I tin can't call this an adult meal. Merely one thing for sure I didn't know of whatever kids my age at that fourth dimension that liked this dish.

Anyway, allow'southward get to the actual recipe!


  • i/2 cup butter
  • 2 large yellow onions
  • xvi ounce package beef liver or dogie liver
  • Common salt & pepper to gustation
  • two cups milk
  • 2/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • Mashed potatoes (optional)
  • Spinach (optional)


Cook Butter

When making this recipe I practice like using an electric skillet. Prepare skillet temperature at 200 degrees Fahrenheit and cook butter.

melting butter in skillet

Add together Onions

Slice onions one/four inch thick and place onions on top of butter.

bed of onions for liver and onions

Add Liver

Remove liver from packaging and place sliced livers on top of onions.

liver and onions2


Flavor with salt and pepper. I kinda go heavy with the pepper (run into photo below). Increment skillet temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and embrace skillet. Melt liver and onions for most vii minutes.

liver and onions seasoned


Remove skillet chapeau and plow livers over and season with salt and pepper. Render lid and turn temperature downwards to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and go along cooking for about xxx minutes.

liver and onions3


I make the gravy in two batches (I don't know why, I just do). Place ane loving cup milk with one/4 loving cup all-purpose flour in a big glass and whisk to combine until smooth. Add this mixture to the skillet.

Brand another batch of milk and flour whisking together until smooth and add to the skillet.

At this fourth dimension I slide the livers and onions to i side of the pan while stirring the gravy in the skillet and then slide them back over.

If the gravy is too thick experience free to add more milk to get the consistency desired.

liver and onions4

Turn oestrus down and simmer. During this time make your side dishes like the mashed potatoes and spinach.

Serve and Relish!

liver and onions 2



Other Recipes You May Enjoy!

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Savory Onion Pie
Savory Onion Pie- This is delicious!

liver and onions smothered in gravy

Savory Liver and Onions Smothered in Gravy

Excellent recipe for savory liver and onions. Served with mashed potatoes and smothered in gravy. Ingredients: butter, onions, beef liver, and seasoning.

Prep Time 15 minutes

Cook Time 50 minutes

Full Time 1 hour 5 minutes

  • one/2 loving cup butter
  • 2 big yellow onions
  • sixteen ounce package beefiness liver or calf liver
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • mashed potatoes optional
  • spinach optional
  1. Melt Butter

    When making this recipe I practise like using an electric skillet. Set skillet temperature at 200 degrees Fahrenheit and melt butter.

  2. Add Onions

    Piece onions ane/4 inch thick and place onions on top of butter.

  3. Add together Liver

    Remove liver from packaging and place sliced livers on top of onions.

  4. Flavor

    Season with common salt and pepper. I kinda go heavy with the pepper (see photo below). Increment skillet temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and cover skillet. Melt liver and onions for about seven minutes.

  5. Cook/Simmer

    Remove skillet lid and turn livers over and season with salt and pepper. Return lid and turn temperature downward to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and continue cooking for most xxx minutes.

  6. Gravy

    I make the gravy in ii batches (I don't know why, I just do). Identify 1 cup milk with 1/4 cup all-purpose flour in a big glass and whisk to combine until polish. Add this mixture to the skillet.

    Make another batch of milk and flour whisking together until polish and add to the skillet.

    At this fourth dimension I slide the livers and onions to one side of the pan while stirring the gravy in the skillet and so slide them back over.

    If the gravy is too thick experience free to add more milk to get the consistency desired.

    Turn rut downward and simmer. During this time make your side dishes like the mashed potatoes and spinach.

  7. Serve & Enjoy!