what to do to prepade child for allergy testing

Oral Food Challenges for Diagnosing and Confirming Nutrient Allergies

What Is an Oral Food Challenge?

Perhaps your child has had a known nutrient allergy for some time, and now there's reason to believe they may take outgrown it. Maybe y'all're in the initial diagnosis process, and your child's allergist has ordered an oral food challenge. Or maybe your doctor would like to practise a food claiming to dominion out other types of food allergy reactions.

Y'all may find the thought of a food challenge quite frightening. During this test, your kid will eat the very nutrient yous believe may cause an allergic reaction. You may have a lot of questions: What volition happen during the oral food challenge? What if my child reacts? What if my kid refuses to swallow the nutrient? What exercise I demand to do to set for the test? The claret test and/or skin prick examination already came upwardly positive — doesn't that mean my child is allergic to those foods?

Cognition is power! This article will address all of these questions and more than and then you will be able to arroyo an oral food challenge with conviction.

Getting an Accurate Diagnosis Is Disquisitional

A diagnosis of a potentially life-threatening nutrient allergy affects many aspects of a kid's and family unit'south quality of life. The many precautions that must be taken in order to avoid the allergen can be quite challenging and stressful. If the child is allergic to multiple foods, their diet must be advisedly monitored to avoid malnutrition and the potential evolution of an oral aversion (the reluctance or fear of eating a nutrient).

While treatment all of this is quite doable – severe nutrient allergies are safely and successfully managed by thousands of people every twenty-four hour period – you should not avoid foods unless it is absolutely necessary. This means getting an accurate diagnosis is critical.

Oral Food Challenges Are the Golden Standard for Diagnosis

Many people mistakenly believe that nutrient allergies are diagnosed based on skin and/or claret tests alone. As Dr. David Stukus explains in his blog post for KFA on "What You Need to Know about Diagnostic Allergy Testing," claret and peel prick tests assistance tell your allergist if your body recognizes a food protein. This, with a detailed medical history, can assistance rule out specific food allergies or diagnose food allergies. While they are useful parts of the diagnostic process, a positive result on one or both tests cannot diagnose a food allergy alone. Information technology is mutual to have a positive test consequence but be able to tolerate the food.

The more than important question is: Can your child really eat the food safely? If your child can eat the food without developing whatsoever symptoms, then they are not allergic to that food. So, the oral nutrient challenge – the "feed it to them in a clinical setting and see if they react or not" test – is the most accurate test available.

Please keep in heed, though, that your kid must only accept a nutrient challenge nether proper medical supervision. You should but exercise a food challenge at dwelling house if your allergist recommends information technology. (This will depend on your child'southward history, their examination results, the food involved, and your allergist'south experience and comfort level.)

An oral food challenge is the most accurate test for food allergy diagnosis

How the Dispensary Staff Will Gear up You lot for the Food Claiming

Before scheduling the oral food challenge, you should be able to discuss this decision with your child's allergist. The allergist should accost all your questions and concerns. They should allow you know the risks, benefits, range of outcomes, possible alternatives, and possible consequences of the selection. They will besides near likely give y'all some printed material about the oral food challenge to review at habitation.

A member of the clinic staff – typically a trained allergy nurse – will then contact you prior to the scheduled exam date. They will answer any questions or concerns you may take and get over of import details with you.

How to Fix Your Younger Child for the Food Challenge

For younger children (age six and under), you lot might detect information technology helpful to exercise some role playing. For example, using words your child will understand, you tin say: "Y'all and I are going to get to the allergist's role. You're going to get to eat a little bit of [proper name of allergen] to see if your body is OK with information technology now. If everything is OK, y'all'll then consume a piddling bit more than and a little flake more." Y'all tin can then play information technology out at home, pretending to do the examination using a like, allergen-free food.

Respond any questions your kid may have in clear, nonfrightening terms. Brand sure your child understands you lot'll be at the allergist's office for a while, and allow them experience like this will be a special time for the two of you to spend together. Some hospitals accept child life specialists available to help with this process.

How to Prepare Your Older Kid for the Food Claiming

Let your kid know you have scheduled the food challenge you lot discussed at their last allergist visit. Enquire your kid how they feel near the test. If they are worried, have your kid write down the top five things that are making them feel anxious about doing the challenge. Go downwardly the list and accost each item one by i.

Never endeavour to flim-flam your child. Practise not avoid discussing the challenge until the day of the test. Give your child fourth dimension to emotionally prepare, and provide all the reassurance and straight-forward answers they demand. It is normal for them to have some fearfulness and hesitation about the test.

What to Practice Before the Food Claiming

  • One to two weeks before the test:Most oral food challenges take about iii to six hours. But, if your child has a reaction (especially if this reaction happens during the final dose of the test), yous may be at the clinic even longer. Program for yous and your child to be at the clinic for the day. Brand arrangements to miss work, schoolhouse, and later on schoolhouse activities as needed. Program for someone else to intendance for your other children that twenty-four hour period.
  • Iii to five days before the test:Based on the instructions from your kid's allergist, do not give your child any antihistamines (such as Zyrtec® or Benadryl®) or other medicines they specify for three to five days before the examination. Ask your allergist for a list of medicines to avoid.
  • Day before the examination:Reconfirm arrangements for your other children. Review the "What to Bring to the Food Challenge" section, and brand sure yous have these items on manus. Be prepared to bring the food your allergist will use for the challenge, if their role asks you to. Phone call the allergist if your child's asthma or eczema is flaring.
  • Day of the exam: If your kid needs their quick-relief inhaler due to an asthma episode or attack on the day of the test, call the clinic to discuss if they are healthy enough for the challenge. If they are not having asthma or allergy symptoms, do not give your child any quick-relief asthma medicine (such as albuterol) or antihistamines "just in case." Pack everything you need to bring. Check with your child's allergy clinic team about whether your child should swallow any food the morning of the scheduled claiming and follow the instructions they gave yous.

What to Bring to the Food Challenge

  • Things for your kid to do: Food challenges typically have three to six hours – sometimes longer. This is a very long time for a child to sit around in a medical dispensary. Bring things to entertain your child, such every bit books, toys, paper and crayons, electronic devices, and other non-edible items. If your child is young, bring a favorite comfort item, such every bit a stuffed animal or "blanky."legos
  • Change of clothes for both of you lot: You lot'll want to have some clean apparel on mitt just in case. (Some children may vomit.)
  • Foods to be challenged: Your allergist's office will tell you exactly what to bring. Double-check portion size and cooking instructions.
  • Safe food for after the challenge: You and your child are likely to exist hungry past the time the test is over. During the final waiting fourth dimension, y'all might want a safe snack to share. Your child tin can probably beverage h2o during the challenge.
  • Ii epinephrine auto-injectors: Take two epinephrine auto-injectors to have with you lot on the auto ride habitation. Check the expiration dates earlier the challenge to make sure they are electric current.
  • Any other items that your allergist recommends: Bank check the listing they provide.

Your Child Must Exist Salubrious on the Twenty-four hour period of the Nutrient Challenge

In fact, your kid must be 100% healthy for at least 24 hours before the food challenge besides. They cannot exist at the end of or coming downward with an illness. This ways no cold symptoms, no diarrhea, and no fever. If your child is non 100% well, the food claiming may exist rescheduled.

If your child has asthma, the asthma must exist nether control, and they must not be in the middle of an episode or assail.

If your kid has eczema, their skin must be stable too and non in the middle of a flare-up. This does not mean their skin must be clear, if it is not commonly clear. It just needs to be "typical" – whatever this means for your child.

What to Expect During the Food Challenge

The following is a description of how oral nutrient challenges might be washed at food allergy centers in the U.S. Keep in mind that the protocols followed may vary. Here'southward what y'all might experience:

  • A high level of supervision: A nurse who has been specifically trained to manage oral food challenges will usually deport the challenge under the supervision of an allergist. This nurse volition either supervise your kid'southward food challenge or will supervise a few food challenges at once.
  • A safe environment: In addition to close supervision from a trained nurse, an allergist will always be nearby and available. They will have emergency medicines (including epinephrine, albuterol, antihistamines and other medicines) on manus and prepare.
  • The apply of measured, increasing (graded) doses: At the get-go of the challenge, the nurse will feed your child a tiny measured amount of the suspected allergen and observe them closely. The exam more often than not does not kickoff with a full serving! If no symptoms develop after 15 to 30 minutes, and so they volition give your child another slightly larger amount of the nutrient. If things go well, they will repeat this process over the form of about three hours. The goal is to work up to a full serving size for your child'southward historic period. Most protocols recommend about five gradually increasing doses.
  • No forcing or tricks: The nurse who conducts the exam understands that both you and your kid may feel anxiety. They will use diverse methods to encourage your child to eat the food, just they volition never forcefulness your child to practice so. If your child admittedly refuses to eat the food, the nurse or allergist will end the exam and reschedule it for another time.

    All oral food challenges are washed in a way that is advisable for your child'due south age and development.. The staff volition not ransom or fob your child. And you should non bribe or trick your child. The nurse may mix the food with another nutrient that is known to be rubber to make it more appetizing. Only, if your child is old plenty to understand what is being done, and then the nurse will tell them the allergen is there. Some challenges are done in a "blinded" mode where a placebo is also used. This is only done with your full consent.

  • No other food given during the test: During the food claiming, your child will be allowed to have water and the food or beverage that is part of the examination. If your child refuses to eat the food, the allergist or nurse may mix information technology in or combine it with some other safe food.

What Foods Are Commonly Challenged?

Oral nutrient challenges are normally done using the actual food itself, such as:

  • Dairy: milk (or chocolate milk, yogurt or ice cream if your child refuses milk)
  • Heated milk: specific broiled recipe that contains milk thoroughly heated
  • Eggs: scrambled egg and/or French toast
  • Baked eggs: specific baked recipe that contains thoroughly heated eggs
  • Grains: cooked grains, baby cereals, baked goods (using a specific recipe), or flour which is mixed with a prophylactic food, such as absurdity or pudding
  • Peanuts and tree basics: nut butter, specific nut, flour or nuts footing to a flour consistency and mixed with a condom food
  • Soy: plain or flavored soy milk, tofu
  • Fish: a cooked piece of the actual fish
  • Shellfish: a cooked piece of the shellfish your child is allergic to

Strategies to Make the Foods Less Scary for the Child

A child who has spent years learning to avoid a food may exist understandably scared past the thought of existence given that particular food. There are many things yous can do to help make the exam less frightening. Depending on your child's age, the possibilities include:

  • Using your kid's familiar sippy cup from domicile
  • Using your child's own dishes and silverware from home
  • Mixing liquids with a safe liquid your kid enjoys
  • Feeding your child an allergen-free version of the food at home for a few weeks prior to the test to help them become familiar with the food's look, taste, texture, and consistency
  • Serving nut butters spread on a favorite cracker or piece of bread
  • Serving the food with ketchup, syrup, or another safe and familiar additive

Many parents or caregivers experience anxiety earlier or during their kid's nutrient challenge. It is important to acknowledge these worries and talk about them with your child's allergist. It is also important not to permit your child know about your anxiety or to shift your worries onto your kid.

What Happens If My Child Has a Reaction?

A consent form should explicate that a reaction may occur. Information technology should likewise outline possible treatments for a reaction. The clinic staff will be prepared to provide appropriate treatment for any reaction that may occur. Depending on the severity of the reaction (for case, 2 hives versus more severe symptoms), treatment can hateful anything from stopping the exam and observing your kid to giving epinephrine.

If it is appropriate, the allergist may allow yous and your kid to be involved in the treatment process (such as using the epinephrine auto-injector, etc.), if office or hospital policy allows. The doctor volition terminate the nutrient claiming. Depending on the severity of the reaction, they volition have you and your child stay another hour or more for observation. If a reaction does occur, the treatment your allergist uses in the function may differ from your emergency anaphylaxis activeness plan. This is normal. Your child will be nether the direct supervision of a highly trained allergist.

A Reaction Can As well Be a Learning Opportunity

In that location are no bad outcomes from a food claiming. Challenges that end in a reaction should non be viewed every bit negative. It confirms your kid's allergy to the food and reinforces the need to continue to avert it. For older children who don't recollect their concluding allergic reaction, experiencing it tin can be an excellent opportunity for your child (and you!) to see what a reaction feels like and how information technology is treated. Plus, it can be an opportunity for your family unit to participate in treating the reaction.

These are all valuable experiences that tin can assist empower your child and family unit. Many parents fear they cannot treat a reaction if one were to occur, that their child could non be treated if they had a reaction or experience the smallest exposure would trigger a reaction. A claiming that ends in a reaction may dispel these and other concerns, which can help greatly ameliorate quality of life and reduce anxiety.

Of form, a reaction can be a terrible thwarting for both you and your kid. Help your kid to see the experience in a positive light and not equally a failure. Have care with your give-and-take choices and do not refer to the exam as a "fail."

What Happens If My Child Does Not Have a Reaction?

One time the exam is complete, the nurse will notice your child for another one to ii hours. If all is well, this means your child is not allergic to the food! The doctor will send you home with specific instructions on how to add this food to your child's diet. Your allergist may recommend a schedule for introducing the nutrient and how often to go on the food in your kid's regular diet.


Although non all children volition go eligible for a food challenge, your kid's dr. should offer a food challenge when appropriate. The oral food claiming is the golden standard in food allergy diagnosis. It is a valuable tool in managing a child's existent or suspected food allergies.

An oral nutrient challenge is optional. If you lot or your child are uncomfortable, you do non take to do it. It is your allergist's part to explain the risks and benefits of the procedure. The allergist should accept you sign a written consent form to note your discussion and that you lot hold to the process, the method and how information technology will be performed. Your or your dr. tin can stop the procedure at whatever time.

Quality of life bug touch families of children who accept nutrient allergies in a variety of means. Food challenges tin help your child'southward doctor manage the allergies based on ameliorate information well-nigh the presence and severity of the allergy, increasing the quality of life for all involved. If a challenge goes as hoped, so this will expand their diet and add a multifariousness of new options.

This resource is based on an commodity by Nancy Polmear-Swendris, MEd, RN. She is the programme coordinator for the University of Michigan's Nutrient Allergy Programme. Nancy is also a certified school nurse in the Ann Arbor, Michigan, school district.

Medical Review: January 2020 past Matthew Greenhawt, MD, Michael Pistiner, MD, MMSc, and David R. Stukus, MD


Source: https://www.kidswithfoodallergies.org/oral-food-challenges-for-food-allergy-diagnosis-test.aspx

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