Whitest Kids You Know Robot Hand


The Whitest Kids U Know is an uncensored sketch one-act show that began ambulation on Fuse TV (the former American feed of MuchMusic) in 2007, then switched to IFC in 2008. The cast members are Sam Brown, Zach Cregger, Timmy Williams, Darren Trumeter, and the late Trevor Moore. They're currently virtually famous for the "Slow Jerk" sketch, the "Abe Lincoln" sketch (in which Abe Lincoln is a loutish boor who annoys John Wilkes Booth to the point of assassinating him), and the "New Affair" sketch, which was (without the WKUK's permission) ripped off shamelessly by Budweiser. Virtually of their sketches fall nether the following categories: Presidential Assassinations (with Zach every bit Abe Lincoln/Ronald Reagan/JFK, Trevor as John Wilkes Booth/John Hinckley/Lee Harvey Oswald, Sam as George H.West. Bush/Lyndon B. Johnson, and Darren as a Secret Service officer), Drag sketches (most often with Darren or Timmy as the girl), or just plain weird ones (Saturday, Opus, etc).

They've occasionally come into conflict with the higher-ups of Fuse (the censoring of swearing and sexual content led them to motion the show to Fuse's then-sibling IFC) and fifty-fifty IFC (making them do fifteen-minute-long shows rather than one-half-hour long). But for the most part, they have full creative control of their sketches.

Full general tropes provided by the series:

  • Black Comedy:
    • Some of their sketches are extremely dark. One quote: "Children, I have some terrible news. One of your mothers was just killed in a car blow. Who wants to estimate whose mother it was for a sucker? Huh?"
    • "Kid Mechanic" is one example played straight, to horrifying issue. A father notices his child has fallen over and takes him to a mechanic he mistakes for a doctor, resulting in the boy being hacked up and having his guts pulled out. Afterward learning his error, he tries to tell his wife about information technology, who herself feels foolish for accidentally burning her parents to decease past mistaking a pizza oven for a retirement home.
    • "Baby Factory" takes it up to 11... then upward to 12.
    • "We have to go relieve 9/eleven!"
  • Black Comedy Rape: The Grapist supposedly isn't a rapist but the way he acts in the commercials get in worryingly possible.

    Ad Pitcher: He sneaks into little kids' rooms in the middle of the night, and he grapes them in the mouth!

    • And afterward...

      Executive: These kids were obviously horrified!
      Ad Pitcher: Not that girl! Look - she'due south totally asking for it. Look at her! She'due south begging to get Graped!

  • Bowdlerise: A rather unusual example... information technology seems Youtube decided that "The Jizzle" was likewise raunchy for a video title and renamed it to "the aueter". Fifty-fifty though they allow stuff like Jizz In My Pants past without censorship...
  • Dude Looks Similar a Lady:
    • Darren, even though when not in drag he's pretty obviously a guy. Except and so there's that "Weird the Stripper" sketch... the, er, makeup job was then pinpoint perfect that the viewer was kicked to his/her death over the rim of the Uncanny Valley. And the "Domestic dog Poop" sketch which at starting time you really recollect it's a real girl.
    • It'south pretty agonizing how convincing a lot of the guys are as women... peculiarly Timmy, who could easily pass as someone's mom.
    • Lampshaded in the Yellow Mustard sketch, where a news report has Timmy'southward graphic symbol in drag, and the caption is "cross-dresser"
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: Trevor never really says anything worse than "bitch", while the other guys curse like sailors.
  • Large Ham: Zach's characters tend to be this when he doesn't play the straight man.
  • Overly Long Gag: A lot of their sketches rely on this. "People similar you call back that the devil..."
  • Precision F-Strike: A common technique to cease a sketch. If the entire sketch has been carefully devoid of profanity, await to see this in activity.
  • Refuge in Audacity: And how.
  • The Reveal: Many sketches end this fashion. A common gag is to take a sketch go in a seemingly normal management until a wacky twist shows up at the end (Such every bit in "Jaws," or the ane with the Handclapping On, Clap Off Rasta Drummer)
  • Sassy Blackness Woman: One reoccurring character is a fat blackness adult female who commonly says "oh HELLLL no!" when outraged.

Specific sketches from The Whitest Kids U Know give examples of:

  • Acting Unnatural: The sketch "Mrs. President."
  • Appreciating Parody: "Sam in a Bag" was a parody of Afterschool Specials. Don't take pots, kids.
  • Aggressive Negotiations: A company merger only wouldn't exist consummate without a sniper, assail rifles, wink bombs, and a mortar round.
  • Alien Autopsy: One sketch sees a team of doctors at Expanse 51 starting time to perform one such dissection on an alien corpse recovered from Roswell.
  • Aluminum Christmas Copse:
    • PCP actually does come in liquid form.
    • One skit featured a false commercial for a new squirt gun that shot out boogers and mucus instead of water. While it didn't utilize actual body fluids, there was a Super Soaker variant called the "Oozeinator" that shot out water, as well as a mucilaginous fluid called "Bio-Ooze"; it was recalled considering people complained that it looked like the kids were giving each other moneyshots annotation In the pornographic sense.. This unfortunate comparison appears to take been referenced at the end of the skit when the commercial advertised another production called the "Cum Bomb".
  • Anachronism Stew: The opening narration of ane sketch describes American forces closing in on Nazi President Adolf Hitler at Christmastime in 1944. As they are about to interruption into the bunker, i soldier shouts out "We're comin' to getcha, ya Jew bastard!" They then find Charlie Chaplin inside. He distracts them with his shenanigans, then takes ane of their bolt-activeness rifles and fires it like a machine gun. Hitler then thanks his "Best Friend" for saving his life once again. note While Hitler was a fan of The Tramp, Chaplin was a socialist democrat of Jewish descent who hated Hitler (his pic, The Nifty Dictator existence one of the greatest Take Thats ever).
  • Artistic License – History: Played for Laughs; The Abe Lincoln sketch depicts Lincoln getting beaten in the donkey with a claw hammer by John Wilkes Booth for acting like an obnoxious douchebag during a production of "Hamlet", where Hamlet and Othello (played here by Timmy) fight vampires.
  • As You Know: Lampshaded in End of Space.
  • Author Delay: The "Backseat" sketch points out how socialism is actually the well-nigh beneficial form of regime equally it treats all people equally, while commercialism teaches the exact opposite of the principles of every religion in the world while playing on man's flaws. The joke is that this is what sets off the driver.
  • Bears Are Bad News: "Is that what yous desire? Invincible bears runnin' around, rapin' your churches, burnin' your women?"
  • Berserk Button: "PIZZA'Due south NOT FOR BREAKFAST!"
  • Big "NO!" / Big "SHUT Upwardly!": Utilized (thrice in the latter'due south instance) in "Give Me the Guns".

    Firing Squad Leader: Mr. Frank Rosenthorp, y'all accept been institute guilty of treason. And it has been decided that you shall be put to death by firing squad.

    Rosenthorp: NOOOOOOOO!

    Firing Squad Leader: Shut upwards! (Rosenthorp does and then)


    Firing Squad Leader: (to firing team) Now, on my mark, you volition aim at the criminal and fire.

    Rosenthorp: If you cartel!

    Firing Team Leader: Shut UP!


    Rosenthorp: (to firing team, while the leader is constantly reshuffling the guns due to the squad's incompetence) You men, gratuitous me and tie him to the post, and I shall make thee male monarch!

  • Bilingual Bonus: The Vietnamese in "Asian Hooker" hides a couple of funny lines.
  • Blackness Comedy Rape:
  • Blaming the Victim: Parodied in the sketch "The Grapist". It involves a consultant pitching an ad for a creepy fruit soda mascot who'southward a blatant rape metaphor: he bursts into people'due south bedrooms (including children's) in the dead of night and "grapes" them in the mouth. At ane point, the consultant claims that the piffling girl in the ad deserves to get graped.

    Consultant: Look at her! She's begging to get graped!

    Executive: Volition yous listen to what y'all're saying!?

    Consultant: Expect at what she'south wearing!

    Executive: Await at what she's wearing?!

    Consultant: Information technology's purple!

  • Body Horror: The "Blue Whale Dick" sketch features two boys who've taken to surgically grafting animate being ballocks to their faces, with the beginning having a whale penis on his caput and the 2nd having his oral cavity replaced with a giraffe vagina. May count equally Squick likewise.
  • Cluster F-Bomb:
    • Abraham Lincoln.
    • Jacob in "Halloweiner"

    Teacher: Why, hello Jacob! Happy Halloween. I see nosotros're dressed as a lilliputian pirate this morning.

    Jacob: That's correct! Now all you lot fucking buttfuckers ameliorate clean my deck!

    Teacher: Jacob! Get to the principal's office!

    Jacob: What the fuck for, you fucking bitch?!

    Teacher: You practice not talk like that in schoolhouse!

    Jacob: I'one thousand a fucking pirate!

    Instructor: Go to the principal!

    Jacob: Shit!

  • Comically Missing the Betoken: This Sketch mixed with Too Impaired to Live and Creative License – Biology.
  • Corpsing: In the sketch "The Most Loveliest Bride," i of the women in the groundwork starts laughing at Sam's screaming and eating popcorn, hiding her face.
  • Could Say It, But...: Employed during It's illegal to say... .
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: 1 sketch has a male child develop psychic powers, which he then puts to use on some of this.
  • Deconstructed Trope: Many sketches run on Refuge in Audacity, only in the sketch "Throw Up Employee", a cashier named Brian throws upwards on a customer's food and refuses to own up to it. Instead, he tries giving abroad the food while saying "no refunds", lies that he's the managing director when the customer complains, and fifty-fifty tries to gaslight the customer that he's acting crazy. When the existent director arrives, Brian lies that the customer threw upwardly own his own food (only to go quickly refuted by another guy in line), refuses to go home when his dominate tells him so, instead arguing that he'southward the one who's sick, tries to gaslight him into thinking he's acting crazy, and and so makes a gay joke at his dominate' expense, which gets him fired. Brian makes a further ass of himself by saying that his dad owns the restaurant (he doesn't; he's the town drunk) and while leaving, swears to God that he did not throw up, only to throw again.
  • Section of Redundancy Department: "Abraham Lincoln was actually hammered in the ass and so much... that he died from existence hammered in the ass."
  • Drop the Moo-cow: A sketch where the boys keep to listing off strip clubs (with increasingly disturbing names) is interrupted past the producer, who says that the sketch has no point. And so he starts listing more puns.
  • Erotic Asphyxiation: Trevor engages in the human activity in one sketch, only to end up killing himself. He then undergoes a massive Humiliation Conga trying to hide how he died every bit a ghost.
  • Everything'due south Improve with Dinosaurs:
    • Like gettin' high. "You're welcome... Internet."
    • Horses are besides turned on past stegosauruses.
  • "Far Side" Island: "Isle Cannibal" sketch
  • Fridge Logic: Invoked, in regards to the ending of The Lord of the Rings.
  • Gag Boobs: Darren equally Weird the Stripper.
  • Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter: Said give-and-take for word in The Grapist.

    "Sir! Get your Listen out of the gutter! He's a GRAPE! How is a grape gonna rape a... No!"

  • Godwin's Police of Time Travel: Parodied. Apparently, only resetting your internet history is plenty for Nazi zeppelins and Nazi dinosaurs with laser eyes to announced.
  • G-Rated Drug: "Hot Dogs" both pokes fun at Timmy's weight and alcoholics-in-deprival by having him give a run-through of how many hot dogs he eats on an average day. While he attempts to low-ball at only vii, Trevor eventually gets him to acknowledge that he hits that quota past mere lunchtime.
  • The Grim Reaper: Stumbles around making guttural animal noises, before devouring dead bodies so depositing them in coffins... the difficult mode.
  • Groin Assault: "Yeah dude, that'southward some other new thing! If you employ an incomplete judgement, you get kicked in the balls!"
  • Haute Cuisine Is Weird: Subverted; in the skit, "Tar Toast", Darren plays a screenwriter at a fancy political party who eats something called "tar toast" from a server (played by Trevor), bold that it's something like ants on a log. The guy gets ill considering he ate what turned out to be literally toast covered in street tar. And information technology turns out that the server is really an eccentric movie executive who dresses like a server carrying a plate of inedible nutrient for reasons he refuses to explain.
  • If You're So Evil, Eat This Kitten!: Juror has this when a juror tries to go out of jury duty by claiming to be racist, leading to 'if you're then racist, call me the n-discussion.'
  • IKEA Weaponry: A sniper has a company supervisor pinned downwardly. Said supervisor assembles a sniper rifle from a briefcase, uses an intern equally bait, and kills the opposing sniper.
  • I Decline Your Reality: A sketch had a homo and his family screaming at the viewers nigh how they alive in garbage because his daughter forgot to bow to "His Holiness". Turns out to be some crazy guy who hangs around a bakery. The employees and the police are familiar with him, but that time he had a trivial kid with him.
  • It Belongs in a Museum: I opening skit has an auctioneer giving away Peter Framton's guitar, only for Indiana Jones to pop upward and say:

    Dr. Jones: That guitar belongs to Peter Framton!

    Auctioneer: Peter Framton is dead, and so are all of his grandchildren!

    Dr. Jones: Then it belongs in a museum!

    Auctioneer: Dr. Jones, sit down!

    Dr. Jones pouts then sits downwards

  • Kneel, Push button, Trip: In one sketch, this prank is parodied past one coworker getting down on his hands and knees backside his dominate while the boss is talking to another coworker, and silently mouthing to the coworker to push the boss. The coworker just doesn't get it, though. This goes on for several minutes.
  • Naughty Birdwatching: From the "Peeping Toms" sketch. Which ends up going pear-shaped when the perverts scare the woman they're peeping on, causing her to choke on her martini garnish, leading to her hubby to shoot himself upon finding her torso, then their son finds the gun and gets shot by two cops, 1 of which has a heart assail and the other shoots himself later on in stupor of what had just happened.
  • Noodle Implements: The boys read off a Long List of items that viewers should donate to make funnier sketches, each getting progressively more disturbing.

    "...a horny elephant...a hot zebra...zebra beer...elephant condoms...a huge bed..."

  • But Sane Man: One of the executives from The Grapist is the only 1 who notices the obvious problems of having an advertising mascot whose name rhymes with "rapist" and threatens children by saying he will "grape [them] in the oral cavity". In spite of his protests, the presenter and the other advertisement execs don't heed to him.
  • Playing Pictionary: I sketch is virtually a kid named Kevin, who shows his parents a picture he drew that looks similar a penis and so explains to them that information technology's an elephant.
  • Punny Proper name:
    • "Dr. Peppers", "Dr. Pibbs", and "Full general Mills" from the Alien Autopsy sketch, and Capt. Maximilian Crunch from Manatee Finger Bang.
    • Their SNL parody opening is total of these... in fact, the ones that are NOT faux blend in so well with the residuum...
  • Rapid-Fire Comedy: The "Moving-picture show Idea Guy" skit. In a meta sense, it'southward a WKUK favorite to open up with at live performances because it gets the audience really energetic and primes them for the side by side sketch.
  • Ripple Effect Indicator: The photo in Me and My Buddy.
  • Sadist Teacher: One sketch had a teacher making her students guess which 1 of their mothers had just died in a motorcar crash. It follows with asking how long it took for her to die, how long it took to get her body out of the auto, and that the kid, Joey, volition well-nigh likely die in the streets. The teacher then chides Joey for not participating, and when asked to act out his mom's last moments, tells him "the demons in hell are probably laughing at your mom for what a piss poor actor her son is." Turns out it was another kid whose mom died. The teacher but really hates Joey.
  • Spiral This, I'g Outta Here!: The reporter in "Child Beer", afterward announcing in that location'southward now beer for babies tosses her microphone behind her and walks off camera in disgust.
  • Seen-It-All Suicide: A variation in "Kid Beer".
  • Sex Bot: SEX ROBOT, SEX ROBOT. is supposed to exist i, simply actually does nothing other than annoy and terrify people with its dancing.
  • Shout-Out: "Smoking Banana Peels" features a hallucination involving a cerise-concealed room with a black-and-white flooring and a backwards-speaking dwarf.
  • Stealth Pun: In "Alien Autopsy", the alien turns out to be a piƱata. In other words, a Mexican alien.
  • Stupid Crooks: I skit is near a group of would-be bank robbers who repeatedly neglect the same criminal plot over and over for many different reasons, ranging from not existence able to read the bank'south blueprints, bringing friends from out of boondocks along to the robbery, and posting plans to rob the banking company on a blog (along with a hyperlink to the banking company'south website wherever the word "bank" is used).
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: A sketch had Trevor play a guy who wanted to have his face cut off (salve for his eyes and jaw muscles) past a plastic surgeon so that he could become a mascot for a car dealership. The surgeon, against all common sense, agrees to the man's asking, and then a Boom Cut to a tombstone reveals that the guy had died during or after the procedure, well-nigh probable due to the complications of non having a fucking face.
  • Suspiciously Specific Deprival: "It'due south Not Kittens, It'southward Craven" features a eating house by that proper name.
  • Take Off Your Clothes: The Stripper Court sketch.
  • Tin-Can Robot: Sex ROBOT, Sexual practice ROBOT.
  • That Makes Me Experience Angry: "She shaved her vagina pilus! That is and then attractive to me!"
  • Totem Pole Trench: Taken to the ridiculous extreme, considering Trevor and Sam are both over 6 feet tall.
  • Typecasting: In-universe. The guys are flexible with playing various types of roles in sketches, just by and large stick to very specific roles in most of the skits:
    • Trevor: Usually plays an authorisation figure or a Cloud Cuckoo Lander and is notable for never saying any harsh swear words (with some exceptions).
    • Zach: The same as Trevor.
    • Sam: Plays loud, boorish assholes.
    • Darren: Plays a lot of crossdressing roles and looks the well-nigh similar an bodily woman to most viewers.
    • Timmy: Either plays a Fatty Idiot, a Butt-Monkey, or both.
  • Unfortunate Implications: In-universe. During the Grapist sketch, one of the executives previewing the commercial practically states that the commercial is loaded with this.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: I sketch has a father calmly explaining to his son virtually the cycle of life and decease after his hamster dies... while the horrified son is watching the Grim Reaper devour the hamster's body with his blank easily.
  • Ursine Aliens: In episode 8 of season 2, Trevor plays the part of a White House press secretary giving a conference to address rumors about bear problems on a hush-hush American moon base. While he reassures everyone that the bears currently giving the moon base issues are merely World bears, he slips up and accidentally implies the beingness of "Saturn bears"... and of three boosted planets in our solar system!
  • Writer on Board: 1 episode had several sketches that dealt with overpopulation.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/TheWhitestKidsUKnow

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